"Well, the only one I made that I ever really stuck to was when I quit smoking for eight months."
Do you make New Years Resolutions?
I usually do.
When I was younger I made long lists and then as I grew up I just picked a few.
Last year I picked a word: "forgiveness," and I think I did pretty good working on that.
I feel like as a word, I accomplished that.
This year I have a word again.
Slash a diagram.
The word of the year for me in the year 2011 is: heart.
(Here comes the diagram thingy.)
/ \
Physical Emotional
/ \ / \
Food Exercise Food Exercise
Heart-Physical-Food: This year I want to eat better. Less fried food, more veggies.
Heart-Physical-Exercise: This year I want to exercise to build heart muscle and stave off heart diseases.
Heart-Emotional-Food: This year I want to read my Bible more. Last year I started off pretty good but went downhill quickly.
Heart-Emotional-Exercise: This year I want to practice kindness more. This is probably the hardest one.
This is my New Years' Resolution/Word of the Year.
A year from now I hope I can say that I accomplished what I set out to do.