
Saturday, February 7, 2015

When to Quit

I am old enough, smart enough, and happy enough with myself to be able to admit that I can not do everything.  I am just not able.  Sometimes want to can only take you so far; ability and skill are also necessary.

I am not a sew-er.  (Sewist?)  I am not going to become the next Maggie Whitley.  I want to sew, to create beautiful things from pieces of stuff, but I can't.  Instead of it being fun and inspiring I am frustrated and swearing loudly inside my head.  I can appreciate the talents of others and be much happier. 

So I'm quitting sewing. 

I have packed up my machine and assorted collected accoutrements and am giving them back to my mama so maybe she can teach my baby sister to sew instead.  I feel sort of like that person that adopted a puppy, but is bringing it back to the pound after a month because they don't like dogs as much as they thought they wanted to.

I think I'll keep up the hand quilting.  That's something I can do!  There's still a lot of crafty projects out there that I haven't even tried yet.


Unknown said...

do what you are good at ..

Travel & Dive Girl said...

Sewing is hard! I only do it when absolutely necessary and then, it's a disaster and I become unbearable to be around. Good for you for knowing when to quit. I'm starting to feel that way about crocheting - I used to be able to do it, but recently I decided to try it again and it's been awful. I've ripped out more lines in the past two weeks. I'm getting prepared to walk away as well...