
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh, Floor!

Saturday was a big workday in our house.  It started out with Boots shooting up to Lowe's (while Haley and I did some super fast yard saling/thrifting) to buy some sort of machine thingy that would make quicker work of cutting out the bottom of the baseboards than the manual thing he'd bought on Friday.  Fully prepared to pay over $100 for this particular machine, he was more than surprised when it rang up for $16!  He asked the checkout person was that the right price and they assured him it was.  What a deal!

You can see that machine thingy laying on that board.  (That's Boots, btw.)

I'm starting in the middle again.  I have a serious problem taking pictures at the beginning of stuff!  This is an experimentation area to determine whether or not the glue remover Boots bought was going to in fact work.
Highly stinky.  We probably all have the cansuh now.

You go girl!

Show that threshold whose boss!  (And then Boots made us me dig it out of the trash and put it back because  the air conditioning was escaping.)

Test area was a success so we doubled the demolition.

Yes, you need garbage bags to keep the area moist.  If it dries out, you're in trouble.  Seriously, you have to start over.

Here's what Boots was working on.

The glue removal was a slow process.

Boots and his friend Doug doing some jigsawing on a board.  Doug's wife Sherry came too, but she's not pictured.

Tired and camera shy.  Ya'll, this man has been working so hard.  He has attacked this floor-putting-down-mission like nobody's business!

Almost done!

Half the kitchen deglued.

This stuff was good for working near things (like cabinets!) that you didn't need to get glue remover on.  Very easy to work with, smells like nail polish remover, probably causes the cansuh too.

Here's the big contender in the glue removal.  You can get it at Lowe's.

Its starting to look more like a house.

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